Tag Archives: Laughter

Supposed to insert after each movement

Well, the banding of my ‘piles’ failed, and so they decided to give me these, the doctors said that they should be used after each movement, and so, I moved to the bathroom, then moved to the bedroom and then to the kitchen, hmmm, feeling a bit on the full side with these Uniroid-HC suppositories…


Good look to the royal couple

No the spelling is bang on, but really I offer them good luck for the future Queeny, erm, Queen, I’m sure they will have a very nice cake and eat it, just where would you start to slice it?


Don’t worry

About a thing, as every little thing’s gonna be alright! This past month and abit we have been messing with the Prednisolone, yes, that evil good, one day 10mg and the next 5mg, and from Saturday 13th me, myself and I, erm, we have stuck to 5mg/day, phew, this is for the next month or so, and then for a month or so its 5mg one day and none the next! getting off it and staying in remission is the idea, an idea that will work. Its a far cry yet not too far to remember the 40mg’s/day, phew, that was a mad couple of months!

I have started some other stuff for the site, especially on and more soon to do with ‘Vague Pages’ of which could turn into erm, something a little different, keep on eating…

The Best Relaxing Bubble Wrap Therapy

Having problems in life? then simply follow these simple instructions…

Think I deserve a ‘Dafta’ or ‘Asscar’ for this performance, very realistic indeed!

Could it be a giant rabbit?

Out walking I stumbled upon this erm, the photo captures almost how big each piece is, piece of what? you might be asking. I for one did not poke or lift a piece to sniff or taste, but it looks like huge rabbit droppings, if so we either have a giant rabbit or one which just might now have a very sore prolapsed ass…

A cat in the morning

I woke and opened my blinds, sat there was one of my neighbours cats, when I tapped the window it turned around and still seemed half asleep ha.

It almost seems to have a Hitler type ‘tash’ and face pulling…

Hula Hoofs, the best in snacking food for children

A great new release for those hungry fingers, a horse meat scandal? not here, check out the very new…

An idea by me put into real life by my good friend Andrea, a perfect blend!

Vague pages

Obviously most folks know of Vogue magazine, but what about Vague pages? Coming soon, on here, things that folks find unbelievable and odd, stuff that folks just find, erm, its a little bland at the moment… check soon for, hmmm, oh, Vague pages, you can also send in to make it really Vague.

Fork handles

Absolute class, I’m having a funny run of remembering various sketches, they really do not make them that simple any more, class…


The old empty barn

Today I emailed my team, I asked them if they had heard about the old empty barn, and after a few exchanges of messages and over the desks I finally emailed the story, that there was nothing in it, erm, think myself and just one work colleague seemed to think it were very funny, anyways, here is the fantastic Dads Army clip…